FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

We offer spaces to young Mums in education whose babies are 2 weeks old+. We also offer the 2 year old funding, which begins the term after your child turns two.

You should apply for a place at Nursery when you receive a letter or email from the council which states your child is eligible for 2-year-old funding.

For private paying customers you should apply for a place when it is needed. This is be done by completing a registration form.

At nursery, children learn through play and are taught early literacy, language and maths skills, as well as developing their creativity and social skills through a variety of activities.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which has seven areas of learning, including communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development and understanding the world.

We are open 8:30am until 3:30pm, term time only.

No, they don’t wear a uniform, we do suggest wearing clothes that you don’t mind them getting messy in. We have lots of messy fun at Nursery.

Please bring a bag with spare clothes in. If your child is in nappies you will also need to bring these with your child too.

No, if someone different is collecting your child, we ask that you call us to let us know. They will also need the password that you set in the registration form.

We regularly talk to parents and carers to let you know how your child is doing. If you ever have any questions are staff are always on hand to answer them.

We know that your child enjoys playing with their own toys but we do try to discourage them bringing in items from home. This is in case items get broken or lost.

No, you do not. During each session children are provided with a healthy and nutritious snack. If children stay all day then we provide a hot meal at a small additional cost.

Yes, our policies are available on our website and there are paper copies available to read in the Nursery office.

Please visit our Nursery Policies page

“Staff discuss healthy eating and children develop a strong understanding
of the importance of healthy lifestyles on their physical well-being.”


“Staff engage children in small-group activities that focus on
reducing gaps in their communication and language.”


“Staff incorporate children’s interests and learning needs into activities, which help to highly motivate children to learn.”


“Parents feel
that their children’s needs are met and that they progress well in their learning.”


“Children have consistently positive attitudes to their learning and keep trying.”


“Parents speak positively about the care which their children receive.”


“Staff skilfully support children to manage their feelings and to teach them right from wrong.”


“Childrens behaviour and their attitudes to earning are outstanding.”


“The manager and staff monitor children’s
progress successfully.”


“Children develop
their creative skills as they identify their own facial features and draw self-portraits.”


“Parents appreciate the support and ideas to help them to continue their
children’s learning at home.”


“The enthusiastic manager successfully leads a motivated, well-qualified team of staff.”


“Staff prepare healthy food on site and children eat heartily.”


“Staff ask children questions about their play and children respond appropriately.”


“Children know what makes them similar and different and learn to respect and appreciate diversity in the wider community.”


“Staff introduce a word of the week and a book of the week, which helps to thoroughly embedded children’s knowledge and understanding.”


“Staff accurately identify aspects of children’s development where they need additional help and implement targeted support.”


“All children, including those who speak English as an additional language and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make good progress.”


“Children establish strong bonds with the nursery’s staff.”


“Children demonstrate high levels of confidence as they move around the nursery to explore the wide range of resources accessible to them.“


“Younger children learn the names of objects and match animals to the sounds that they make.”


“Leaders place a strong emphasis on monitoring children’s attendance.”


“Staff support children’s independence excellently.”


“Staff place a strong emphasis on developing children’s speech and language


“Staff have consistently high expectations of children.”


“Babies confidently explore. They choose to join in activities with two-year-old children.”


“Leaders work
very closely with parents to promote children’s attendance and place the utmost importance on children’s welfare. “


“Staff work
closely with parents to make referrals if needed, to quickly seek support from
other professionals.”


“Children settle quickly on arrival.“


“Children display keen interests in their play and are eager to join in.”


“Children learn what is acceptable, and how some behaviour can upset and hurt their friends.”


“Staff use sign language and pictures when communicating with children to help those less able to understand.”


“Children behave courteously at the table and demonstrate high levels of confidence in social situations.”
